Class of "66" Group Photo

Class of "66" Group Photo

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Class of "66" Mini-Event, Friday, August 3rd, 2018

Hey Gang,

Been quite a while since anything has been posted on this blog.  Well, now is the time to change that.
There will be a Mini-Event for the Class of "66" at Jamie's Local Flavors, Harrison, AR, Friday night, August 3rd at 6PM.  Come out and catch-up on what's been going on with your Classmates.  Oh, and if you do Facebook, go to the Class of "66" page and check on whether you will be attending or not.


Have a great week,


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Names for Certificates

The list of Classmates names for preparation of Certificates for induction into the Half Century Club must be submitted immediately.  I have received information from some but not all, so the names will be printed per the following list.  Contact me at 870-436-4817 or for corrections.

Joe Barnett                                            Judy Harris Gilliam       (?)

Laretta McElroy Moore                          Betty Drewry Milholland  (?)              

Jim Methvin                                           Lotis Hancock Young  (?)

Linda Chatterton Greenhaw                     Jessica Womack Chandler

Don Young

Arlin Daniel

Patricia Cooper Ervin

Rick Green

David Ruff

Patsy Foster Engel

Burl Martin

Sherrlene Bryant Watkins

Ron Lowery

Lewis Lowery

Jack Massengale

Jerry Rushin

Betty Keele Lewis

Shirley Wainwright Wilson

James Stewart

Gary Myers

James Arlen Mondy

Kathy Johnson Shafer

Sharon Easter Hamilton

Raymond Barnard

Barbara Crosswhite Durham

John Devoe Blankenship

Darlene West Milks

Joyce Harmon Bruner

Betty Stratton Pliler

Pat Renfroe Burdine

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

“Class of 66”
50th Anniversary Reunion Update
May 10, 2016
Missing Address Information

As some of you know, I have attempted to obtain address information about the following individuals.   I have had several responses that indicate there is a contact who can provide the info, but that is vague and incomplete in most cases.  Time is getting short to prepare for this event.  Anyone with firm contact info on the list of individuals below, please forward it to me  at  Or you may call (870) 436-4817 and leave a message if no answer.

John Blakenship
Barbara Crosswhite Cash
Judy Harris Gilliam
Gary Dennis   Myers
Jerry Rushin
Jessica Womack
Lotis Hancock Young

Half Century Club Certificate Names

The following individuals have responded to my request for information on the name to appear on your induction to he Half Century Club.  If your name is not on this list, please forward your input to immediately. Or you may call (870) 436-4817 and leave a message if no answer.

Joe Barnett
Laretta McElroy Moore
Jim Methvin
Linda Chatterton Greenhaw
Don Young
Arlin Daniel
Patricia Cooper Ervin

Memorial to Deceased Classmates

Linda Chatterton Greenhaw has agreed to be responsible for preparing the Memorial to Deceased Classmates.  If you have information to be included on these individuals please forward it to Linda at:
Linda Greenhaw       
3165 Campground Rd        
Harrison, AR  72601
August 5th Event Schedule

The Valley Springs City Hall building has been  reserved for the “Class of 66” Pre-reunion gathering site.  The facility is available from 6-10 PM for our use.  My plan is to bring cold cut sandwiches, assorted drinks, chips, and desserts.  A final cost will be determined once all expenses are paid, i.e., facility rental and food are the only known expenses, and divided equally for all to share. What I need from you is how many will attend the event. Just you or your and spouse, etc.  Again forward the information to, or call (870) 436-4817 and leave a message if no answer.

August 6th Event Schedule

The schedule for August 6th is not final.  However, in the past activities begin at 3 PM for the Half Century Club Induction.  Following this, the Valley Springs Alumni Annual Reunion and Banquet begin at 6PM and concludes at 8-8:30 PM. The cost for the meal varies between $12 - $15 per individual and is cater by Western Sizzilin, Harrison, Arkannsas.  More to follow as information is available.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Class of “66”

Dear Classmates,

Our time is coming!  I don’t mean the big one, but a big event in our lives is just around the corner.  I am referring to the 50th Anniversary of our graduation from Valley Springs High School.  

As most of you know, the Valley Springs Alumni Association host the Annual Alumni Reunion on the 1st Saturday of August.  For 2016, that date is August 6th.  During this event, the Class whose 50th year is passing, is honored by inducting the members into the Alumni Half Century Club.  It is a great time for all to come together and catch up with old friends and classmates.

A core group of Class of “66” met at the school following this year’s event.  The decision of this group was to have a gathering of some type on August 5th, 2016 in Harrison, or surrounding area.  I need some input from the overall group as to their thoughts on this matter.  The current line of thinking is to find a business serving food and beverage that will set aside an area large enough to accommodate up to 50 people.  The Brick Oven Pizza Company, Harrison, AR has been recommended. I am soliciting input from any and all that plan to be there.

Another concern for preparing for the Induction Ceremony includes getting input from each person attending, to include the exact name they want on their certificate.  The school staff prepares these for us and we must coordinate as early as possible.
Example:  “Linda Greenhaw” or “Linda Chatterton Greenhaw.”  Please respond to this message with the correct information. Or send it to

Some of you have visited our Blogspot page on the web and noted many pieces of interesting memorabilia have been posted or linked to the page.  Please visit it often to see what is happening there. If you have old photos of the class that you are willing to share, mail them to me to be added to the Blogspot.  (599 W. Hwy 14, Lead Hill, AR 72644).

I need help in locating many of the classmates.  I have emails for about 13, so that helps.  (Additional emails would be great.)  But there are 19 that require snail mail for contact.  I have valid snail mail addresses on 4, and old addresses (30 years) for the remaining 15.

John Blakenship                     Pat Cooper Irwin                   Barbara Crosswhite Cash
Betty Drewry Hight                Joyce Harmon Titus              Judy Harris Gilliam
Kathy Johnson Smith             Betty Keele Lewis                 Lewis Lowery
Ron Lowery                            Jack Massengale                   Lotis Hancock Young
Pat Renfroe Burdine               Jerry Rushin                           Betty Stratton Pliler
Shirley Wainwright                Darlene West Milks               Jessica Womack

Jim Methvin
Class of 66, Vice President

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 11, 2015 Addition of Memorabilia links

Several items have been added since the last post was written.  At the bottom of the page are links to different memorabilia for the Class of "66".  A link has been added under Tom White's memorial post that takes you to several pictures of Tom during his deployment to the Republic of Vietnam.  Please take time to review and leave comments on the Blog page of things you would like to see posted.  If possible they will be added.  Remember to mark your calendars for 5 & 6 August,  2016.  That is the scheduled time for our induction into the Half Century Club by the Valley Springs Alumni Association.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015 Addition of Class Poem and Class Will to Blog

Today  the Class Poem and Class Will were added to the Blog.  They were scanned in and attached as separate pages.  There is a link at the lower left corner of the Blog page titled as such.  If you click on the link, the documents are displayed at the bottom of the Blog.  They appear small and unreadable, however, if you right click on a  document, a drop down list appears with several options.  One of the options is to open the document in a new tab.  Make this selection.  Once the document opens in the new tab there will be a magnifying symbol, click on the symbol and make the document larger. Enjoy reading and reminiscing.  Once you complete viewing the documents, click on the "Home" link just above the Class Poem & Will link to return to the Blog postings.  For those viewing the Blog with a tablet or smart phone, use the procedures required by the device system to make the documents readable.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 8, 2015 Update information

I don't know the exact date of this years' Valley Springs Alumni banquet, but it is normally the first weekend of August.  The Valley Springs High School graduating class of "65" will be inducted into the Half Century Club during this banquet.  Please notify everyone you know who graduated in 1965 of this activity, and plan on attending in support of their event.  Next year at this time we will be approaching our induction, and much planning must be accomplished in order for it to be a success.  I know Darlene and I plan on being there for both.